
The Pirana is the first new technology and method for onsite septic systems that finally allows us to recycle human sewage onsite, not just the contaminated water, since cesspools and septic systems began being used over 130 years ago. The Pirana has saved multiple $10 million for 1000s of property owners of failed onsite / septic systems from single-family homes to hotels / resorts in the USA and 14 countries.
There are two basic environments with their adapted bacteria and microbes that recycle the waste from living animals and plants: surface environments on land with unlimited, non-depletable gaseous atmospheric oxygen (Efficient), aquatic environments with limited, depletable dissolved oxygen in the water (Inefficient). The efficiency of any sewage treatment technology is primarily determined by the oxygen environment and the bacteria species the oxygen environment can support.
We put our body’s waste in water to remove it from where we live, work and play. This removes our wastes from the surface or land environment and Nature’s most efficient recycling bacteria into an inefficient aquatic bacteria environment. Until the Pirana®, septic systems were aquatic environments whether aerobic, with some level of dissolved oxygen, or anaerobic with no dissolved oxygen. The bacteria these aquatic environments support are weak intestinal bacteria carried in the feces within sewage. Aquatic environments with depletable oxygen and weak bacteria have made all septic systems highly inefficient. The Pirana® changed this.
In land environments, powerful recycling bacteria colonize the waste material that falls on the ground and quickly recycle it due to the non-depletable oxygen in the atmosphere surrounding them. In aquatic environments, bacteria and microbes adhere to stationary surfaces and form “colonies”. These bacteria and microbes survive on limited nutrients and oxygen carried to them in the passing water flows in streams, or currents in lakes and seas.

These dense populations of aquatic bacteria and microbes are found on undersea corals, rocks in streams and many other forms of natural structures where surfaces are available upon which the bacteria and microbes can attach with food sources being available in the passing water. In effect, they act as natural water treatment systems simultaneously obtaining nutrients and oxygen to continue their survival while cleaning the water.
Pirana® built upon these understandings and developed a device that creates a “semi-aquatic” environment within the device to duplicate Nature’s platforms for aquatic bacteria colonies while simultaneously providing the needed gaseous non-depletable oxygen to allow our Pirana® Blend Bacteria to colonize, survive and thrive in the hostile, alien aquatic environment of a septic tank. They efficiently digest and recycle sewage and organic matter throughout the entire septic system. Pirana® Blend Bacteria is a proprietary group of natural bacteria species and strains efficiently recycling the most difficult to digest organic matter in grasslands, conifer and the broad leaf forest litter and the humus rich upper aerobic horizon of native soils,
The Pirana® uses a special cuspated media with significant surface area upon which the Pirana® Blend Bacteria attach and colonize as bacteria do in aquatic environments. This cuspated media is located in the top of a vertically placed cylindrical housing above a self-cleaning micro-fine bubble diffuser. The diffuser is connected by half-inch PVC pipe to a remotely placed linear air pump sized to provide the required volume of air. The unique bubble environment created by the cuspated media provides the required gaseous non-depletable oxygen environment required by the Pirana® Blend Bacteria adhering to the media’s surface.
An example of a fully assembled Pirana® model P80 unit appears below.

The Pirana® device sits on the bottom of a septic tank and is “seeded” with Pirana® Blend Bacteria through a multiple week long slow release process inside the Pirana® unit. There is no heavy equipment needed and no landscape damage to install a Pirana®. A 100-watt linear air pump provides the small volume of air required to operate the Pirana®. The micro-fine bubbles from the self-cleaning diffuser change form as they rise through the cuspated media creating the unique blending of an aquatic environment coupled with gaseous non-depletable oxygen environment needed by the Pirana® Blend Bacteria while pushing new wastewater (the food source) past the colonies of these hungry bacteria. The Pirana® Blend Bacteria use the organic matter found in the wastewater as a food source and a reproductive building block. They rapidly consume all of the organic matter entering the septic tank while they exponentially reproduce. They are carried in the highly aerobic Pirana® effluent throughout the septic system. Solids are digested in the septic tank, tank pumping is virtually eliminated; stored organic matter in the drain field and clogging biomat in the drain field soils are digested and eliminated. Failed septic systems are returned to proper function. Systems not in failure will not fail from biomat clogging. Septic odors are eliminated. The effluent is translucent and clarified. The cost to operate and maintain the Pirana® is just a few cents a day. Operation and maintenance of the Pirana® is non-technical. The Pirana® has the lowest footprint for all forms of pollution associated with septic systems from sewage to air pollution.
There are eight Pirana® models sized and scaled to any application. Pirana® has been used as stand-alone devices or in combinations (driven by the site requirements) at thousands of locations throughout the world.
Contact Pirana® Systems and learn more about the easiest and least expensive solution to septic problems.